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Try This: Three Powerful Reminders for 2022

Try This: 3 Powerful Reminders for 2022…

Hi ,Today’s email is simple. I’m sharing a collection of 3 quotes/ideas that I think will help you start 2022 off with a bang.Each of the quotes is focused on topics and themes that I think are highly underrated and don’t get enough attention in our current world. I hope you enjoy.

Let’s jump in!

3 Important Reminders for 2022…

Reminder 1:“Your brain is like a detective, it's always looking for the evidence it needs to confirm its perspective. If you feel like you lack something or are not enough, it will go on a hunt to prove you right. But awareness stops the cycle. That's why the most powerful question you can ask yourself is, ‘What evidence is my brain currently looking for? And why is it looking for that evidence?’” ― Dhru Purohit

Reminder 2:

“Remember, no one can change your channels unless you give them your remote control.” ― Shree Chitrabhanuji

My commentary: I love this quote because it's a reminder that in life, when people or things “push our buttons,” it’s often because we’ve unknowingly given our power to them. But constantly giving our power away can leave us living a reactionary life, and that’s incredibly draining. Questioning our beliefs about others helps us practice awareness which ultimately helps stop the cycle.

Digging Deeper: My all-time favorite book on the topic of questioning our beliefs and taking back our power is Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie.

Reminder 3:“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ― Joseph Campbell

My Commentary: When we think of New Year's resolutions, we typically think about doing more or adding more to our lives. But some of my most powerful intentions for the new year have nothing to do with adding more and have everything to do with letting go.Letting go isn’t as sexy as trying something new like a cleanse or fancy yoga retreat, so it’s often overlooked. However, it’s one of the most powerful things we can do to move forward on our journey.Whether it’s a relationship, a project, an investment, or even an expectation, making the decision to let go can feel impossible. It may never feel fully right or wrong, but shedding that weight is freeing, and that can propel us to our greater purpose. Seasoned investors have a fantastic question for determining whether they should let go of investment or not. The question goes something like this:“If I wasn’t already invested in this business or project, would I invest in it today, knowing what I know?”Feel free to replace ‘business’ with ‘relationship,’ ‘commitment,’ or even a ‘belief.’The beauty of this question is that it cuts through the rationalization tactics that our mind uses to deal with our fear of loss.But we’ve been together for four years… But I’ve already put so much money into this project… But I’ve spent so much time working on it… But this is who I am…Sometimes we’re so scared of losing something or admitting that it isn’t working that it’s easier to pretend it isn’t an issue than to genuinely deal with it.We’ve all been there, and many of us also know that the challenge with pretending or ignoring is that it just prolongs the inevitable and, more importantly, makes it harder to truly move forward.So, when’s the right time to let go? I’m not sure there is an easy answer. But one thing that I think would help answer that question is to notice if the main reason you’re holding onto something is primarily because you’re afraid of losing it.Digging Deeper: My favorite short little book on the power of knowing when to “quit” and when to “stick” is The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit by Seth Godin.I hope this week’s newsletter inspires you to start thinking about the areas in your life that aren’t serving you. Challenging your thoughts and beliefs instead of accepting them as reality can be a powerful way to get unstuck and take one step closer to the life you want to live for yourself. I know it’s hard, but I also know it’s worth it. That’s all for this week. What did you think about my quotes? Did any of them resonate with you? Did you find them helpful? Irrelevant? Let me know using the feedback feature below.Let’s make 2022 the year of honoring the highest version of ourselves together. Here's to the New Year,Dhru Purohit

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