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  • Try This – The Life-Saving Mineral We All Need

Try This – The Life-Saving Mineral We All Need

Muscle aches
Heart palpitations
High blood pressure
Brain fog
Poor sleep
And even cancer… 

These things can all be caused or worsened by a deficiency in one of the most powerful minerals in the world. 

In fact, this mineral is so powerful that consuming adequate amounts of it can decrease your risk of certain cancers like pancreatic cancer. 

And people who have the highest amount of this mineral have a significantly lower risk of premature death. 

Can you guess what it is? 

Keep reading to find out what this mineral is and why it is so important to take. 

Today's Sponsor

For years, I struggled with on-and-off knee pain when I was working out and never understood why. I had no idea that it was my sneakers that were causing my chronic pain until a friend introduced me to Vivobarefoot. 

After wearing Vivobarefoot, my knee pain was gone! I realized quickly that my other shoes were constricting my feet, and Vivobarefoot allowed me to spread my feet out for better foot posture. 

Now, I only wear Vivobarefoot. You may even see me rocking them at formal events. They are comfortable and stylish, and they really help me feel grounded.  

I also love Vivobarefoot’s mission to educate people on wellness and longevity, which I am passionate about. In addition to our health, they are also committed to the planet's health. Vivobarefoot is so confident about their shoes, they offer a 100-day trial period.

Right now, Vivobarefoot is offering my community 20% off their shoes. Just go to the link www.vivobarefoot.com/dhru and use the code DHRU20.

Magnificent Magnesium and Cancer 

The VITAL study followed over 60,000 men and women between the ages of 50 and 76 for eight years to look at the association between vitamin use and cancer risk. Over this period of time, researchers identified that 151 of the participants were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. 

And what they found about the connection between magnesium and pancreatic cancer was fascinating. 

There was a 24 percent decrease in pancreatic cancer risk for every 100 mg of magnesium intake! In other words, the richer someone’s intake of magnesium, the lower the risk of disease. 

This is just one example of the profound impact of magnesium in research. 

Another study (both of these I saw shared by one of my favorite experts, Dr. Rhonda Patrick) found that individuals with the highest amount of magnesium in their body had 50 percent less incidence of cancer-related mortality! 

That is game changing!

So what is the connection between magnesium and cancer? 

Many of the experts I talk to point out that insulin resistance and dysregulated blood sugar are a huge driver of cancer-related illness, especially in things like pancreatic cancer (80 percent of those with pancreatic cancer have diabetes). 

Magnesium, among its serious list of benefits, is known for improving insulin sensitivity. Magnesium deficiency also increases the amount of free radicals in our body, leading to systemic inflammation, which makes an environment ripe for cancer cells to grow. 

These are just some of the ways in which magnesium offers protective effects. 

Could It Be Magnesium Deficiency? 

Magnesium is involved in over 600 enzymatic reactions in the body, and many of us are not getting enough of it. The RDA for magnesium is 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women, yet 60 percent of Americans are not meeting these guidelines. 

Could it be our hyper-palatable, nutrient-deficient diets? Could it also be our over-caffeinated and over-stressed-out lives? All of these factors deplete our body of this critical mineral. 

And unfortunately, our food supply is not what it used to be. The food we used to consume was grown in magnesium-rich soil, while our current agricultural practices leave our soil depleted of nutrients. It would be really hard to consume the amount of magnesium we need from food alone without feeling extremely full every single day! 

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, though! Eating a diet rich in magnesium comes with a host of benefits. Some of my favorite magnesium-rich foods include 

  • Leafy greens

  • Broccoli 

  • Avocados

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Dark chocolate

  • Mackerel 

  • Black beans

  • Tofu 

  • Berries 

I try my best to get all of these foods in as much as possible, but I still supplement with magnesium, too, because it’s really hard to correct deficiencies with diet alone. It’s probably one of the supplements that pretty much everyone could use more of, in fact. 

Magnesium deficiency shows up in so many different ways, including all of the symptoms I mentioned at the beginning of this newsletter. Certain medications like diuretics, laxatives, and proton pump inhibitors also deplete magnesium as well as cause GI issues. 

The way we test for magnesium is also a bit tricky. Serum magnesium is not always accurate because most of our magnesium is in our red blood cells, which most doctors don’t test. The good news is that many doctors recognize magnesium supplementation as safe and even encourage it. 

Bottom line: We could all use more magnesium, not only to rid ourselves of pesky symptoms like poor sleep and muscle aches, but also to prevent major chronic diseases like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. 

A combination of magnesium-rich foods, the right supplement, and proper lifestyle practices like stress management and sleep all support healthy magnesium levels. 

Here’s to your health, 

Dhru Purohit